Saturday, September 30, 2006

Liam on the move...

Today was a beautiful day so we decided to take Laim on his first 'hike' (but in his stroller). There is snow on the mountains now in the distance and the ski season opens end of November...we can't wait to hit the slopes.

Nothing else to really report - he's sleeping pretty well although uses Annette as a snack bar sometimes. We have been taking a lot of little videos as well since he's changing so much each day it seems.

Friday, September 29, 2006

We survived the week...

This week was the first week that I went back to work and it was challenging but not impossible. I had to be in Chicago this week for a night so Annette braved things on her own and, as you'd expect, she did really well with Liam.

He seems to be changing every day now and although we don't think he's gained a lot of weight, he is eating really well and getting more and more alert all the time. He now stays up and 'plays' for an hour or two after eating whereas before he just flopped asleep.

Annette has taken him out for a few walks as well as the weather has been great here. We are looking forward to the weekend and expect to relax a lot and take him maybe on a drive to see the leaves changing colors.

Monday, September 25, 2006

One Week Old...

Liam turned 7 days old today! Today was also my first day back at work and Annette's first day on her own with little Liam. Fortunately, we all survived just fine.

Annette took Liam for a walk today and is able to better get around now as she has pretty much recovered from last Monday.

We are all getting more and more into the swing of things now and he is even up after feedings (instead of falling right to sleep) for some playtime. He is looking around a lot and taking everything in - or so it seems!

We also got him a swing that we can put him in for some 'entertainment' as it has sound, lights and spinning little fish. He seems to like it even though it swings pretty fast even on the slowest setting. It freaked us out more than it did him though.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Liam's first day out...

Today was a beautiful day (the picture of the mountains is taken out of our bedroom window - note the SNOW!) so we took the opportunity to get out and go to the local farmer's market, and to collect a few more things at the shops. Liam enjoys being in the car but he sleeps most of the time!. We also tried out our stroller and took him on a walk down to our local park, where our neighbors had all gathered for a 'block party'. It was nice to meet a few more people who live in the area and Annette has a lot of other 'moms' offering their help or to call if she needs anything. Very nice of them!

Tomorrow I have to go back to work (ugh), and need to get my head back into the real world so to speak as this past 6 days have been all consumed by Liam.

Annette and I are doing great though and we are adjusting well to him - he's turned out to be a pretty chilled out baby and for the most part doesn't cry very much.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

What's in a name...

Yesterday was another day of sleeping, feeding and changing. We are starting to get more used to things now and into a rhythm even though it's only been a few days.

I thought I would share with you why we chose the name Liam Jackson since many of you have asked. The name is of Irish and Gaelic origin and a variant of William meaning "determined protector." We choose that as a first name simply because we both liked it, and it was of Irish origins which are my roots (both my parents are from Dublin). We had talked about other names such as Jack, Max and Preston but neither of us could agree on what we liked.

Liam's middle name is after my grandfather on my Mother's side. Since we liked the name Jack and we both wanted Liam's middle name to have family significance we agreed on Liam Jackson. Not that it's surprising, but Jackson is an old English name and it means "son of Jack".

Thursday, September 21, 2006

First trip...

Today we took Liam for his appointment with the physician and it all went really well. He seems to like riding in the car as much as we do and he passed his 'check-up' with flying colors. He is now 8pnds 3ounces having lost a few ounces since birth (this is normal, and only 6% of his body weight...which is good).

Our friends Heather and Joel, who had a baby boy named Austin a few weeks ago, are bringing dinner over tonight and the little lads are going to hang out together. Well, they'll probably just sleep but it's cool that Liam already has a mate.

Annette is doing really well with the breastfeedings and she's getting to be a real pro now. He sometimes uses her as a snack bar instead of a full place to have a meal, but both of them are doing really well. I've started back to work (not by choice) but am working out of the house so it's not too bad right first trip away is going to be a killer.

Annette's Mom has been here for 2 weeks now but heads back to New Jersey on Saturday. She's already making plans on how she can sneak Liam home with her :) It's been great for us to have her here and we've all really enjoyed time together both before Liam's arrival and after.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

The fun begins...

This evening was our first night at home with Liam and we've discovered that Liam has a sense of humor! Before his feeding this evening we laid out all the necessary instruments to change him and went to work. After getting him cleaned up and ready for a new diaper, I picked him up and he gave me this funny little smile (which I thought was great) and then he dropped another messy load all over the place! We quickly cleaned him up but I'd swear I heard him giggle…:)

Liam comes home....

Last night was a good night and Liam is really getting the hang of breastfeeding (as is Annette) and sleeping! We got a few solid hours so although we're a bit tired we feel pretty good. We had a visit from the pediatrician today and he got a clean bill of health, as did Annette from the OB - so we were discharged and are now home. It is great to be home but we do miss having all those helpful nurses around.

I've been able to get back to the real world (although I'd rather not) and get through a billion email or so. Despite our world coming to a halt when he arrived, the rest of the world still generated emails and work for me to do! No worries though as I closed a deal today with a new client 8 miles from the house! This reduces my business travel (on airplanes) a lot so we're all thrilled about that since it's been many years since I didn't have to travel (which is one of the hassles of being a consultant).

We have been fumbling through changing diapers and trying to figure out what temperature to keep the house, but overall things are going great. The little guy is doing all the right things (like sleeping, eating and pooping regularly) and hasn't fussed too much at all. So far so good! We're both hoping that he got Annette's sleep gene and not mine...she can sleep through anything and falls asleep the second she lays her head down..I'm not so lucky.

I've also been taking lots of pictures because he has lost some weight, which is normal, but it makes him look different from when he was first born. He's now 8pnds 1 ounce but we're expecting him to rebound quickly given how much he's been eating. He also had a boxer's nose for the first day and a half as I guess he got squished coming out. He's a handsome man but we still can't figure out who he looks more like or which side of the family, if either, dominates. Who cares though...he's awesome!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Day One...

Our first day with Liam has been great after all 3 of us were able to get enough sleep last night to feel human again. We have been hanging out with Liam (watching him sleep, make faces and cry...a little) and the nurses have been great about helping with everything from changing diapers to overcoming breastfeeding challenges. We are at Sky Ridge hospital which is only 2 years old and only 10 minutes from our house. It's been a great experience as the hospital is new, clean and very well staffed. I got the scare of my life already when I went with him to have some tests to the nursery and he started choking!! It turns out that he still had some amniotic fluid in his stomach, which is hard to digest, and he spit that up and starting to choke on it. This is apparently normal...but no one told me that! Fortunately the nurse was right there and quickly sorted him out with a little blue suction thingy. I am not 'on guard' for any type situations and know what to do.
Annette has been great with her breastfeeding efforts and being a big lad he's hungry and seems to like her boobs (no surprise there...he's my son afterall). They have lactation consultants on staff here and they have been great helping Annette and Liam form the right habits for feeding. She'll be doing it every 2-3 hours for months so best to get it right!

I've also been making good use of my new camera taking a billion pictures of the little guy and my lovely wife. We are going to be discharged tomorrow as both Liam and Annette are doing well - so our first night in our own home will be on Wednesday 20th. It will be great to be home with him although I dread my first business trip. It's going to be horrible having to leave them both for something as silly as work.

Thanks everyone for your best wishes, sorry that we haven't responded just yet as we are obviously busy..but I hope that this blog gives you some idea as to what we're up to and how the three of us are doing. More to come soon!

Monday, September 18, 2006

It's a BOY!

Annette and I are thrilled to announce the birth of Liam Jackson Smith at 12:29pm today. He was born 8 pounds and 11 ounces (ouch!) - a healthy strapping young man! Annette was incredible and did a fantastic job.

Both Annette and Liam are doing fantastic after 12 hours of labor. Annette went into labour at about 12:30am and we were admited to Sky Ridge hospital at 2:30am.

Here are a few pics (cut/paste this into a browser)

We'll write more and update you all on the details, but suffice it to say that he's the best looking young man you've ever seen.

More to come soon....

Sunday, September 17, 2006

5 days overdue...

Today was Annette's 29th birthday and another day of waiting to see if she would go into labor. She had a few contractions but so far no Baby Smith as her birthday present - she got a Nano-iPod from me instead.

Yesterday we went for a walk around Red Rocks, which was great with some live musicians playing. We visited a Polish church today and found that there is a small Polish community a bit north of Denver.

The weather here in Denver is definitely starting to get cooler, but it the clear cool (64 F today) air means a beautiful view of the mountains.

We also had a ColdStone ice cream cake for her birthday with a few friends joining us to celebrate her birthday. Just before eating her cake the hospital called and the doctor asked her if she was free to come in TONIGHT to have the baby as he wanted to see if she wanted to be induced. We talked about it but decided to wait until tomorrow AM to see how she was feeling since she was already having contractions...but tomorrow looks like the day!

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Still waiting...

Yesterday was another uneventful day waiting for baby Smith to arrive. We saw the doctor on Thursday and he performed another non-stress test to check everything was okay with the baby. Both Mom and Baby passed with flying colors. We have been going for long walks and generally just trying to stay active (as possible given the estimated 7 pounds 10 ounces she's carrying around). We are off to Red Rocks amphitheatre today and perhaps downtown Denver to see what Oktoberfest in like in the Rocky Mountains! Tomorrow is of course Annette's birthday, so there is a distinct possibility that baby and mommy will share the same birthday! More to come soon….

Friday, September 15, 2006

Awaiting Baby Smith

Welcome to our Smith-Baran Family blog. We decided to create this blog in order to update everyone on things going on here in Denver with us, and in particular share pictures and news about our new family member...who currently is 3 days overdue!

Watch this space for more!