Sunday, May 27, 2007

Hiking at Lake Dillon..

We went for an early drive into the mountains today and then for a great hike. We had great views of Lake Dillon and the mountains ...but Liam slept most of the way!

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Friday, May 25, 2007

Playing with friends..

Liam is having great fun at his 'play dates' and making lots of new friends...

Liam and Ryleigh playing!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Early riser...

Liam is having a great time crawling and now standing (holding whatever is nearby) regularily - he is determined to walk. He turned 8 months old on the 18th May and isn't too far from walking now. The only thing he hasn't learned to do early on is SLEEP through the night! He still wakes up early in the morning and refuses to do anything but play. Fortunately I am an early riser myself so it's not too bad, but 5:30am each day can start to get a little tiring.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Swinging at the park...

We had a good but seemingly short weekend. Liam was great again but is now full of energy and putting his crawling and "pulling himself up" skills to good use. He's fast!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Musical genius...

Liam is now attending music class each week and seems to be facinated with all the noises.

He also enjoys going to the playground with Mom and Dad

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Mothers Day!

We all had a good start to the day - although early again thanks to young Liam who still finds it amuzing to get up at 5am. We had a great breakfast this morning and are enjoying the weather.

Liam was also posing for the camera again - having a great time in the buff!

Saturday, May 12, 2007

A long long day...

Our day this morning started rather early - about 4:30am - with Liam deciding that he didn't want to sleep anymore. Despite trying to put him back down I eventually got up with him at 5:30am to play.

We had a great morning though and got a lot of things finished around the house by about 9am!

Tomorrow is Mother's day and I planned far ahead by having Liam pick Annette a card last week. I let him lean into a whole display of cards and pick the one he liked (which he promptly put in his mouth). I carefully placed it in a secret place and went to retrieve it today...but it was gone!
Apparently Annette found it and thought she had bought it last year (she sometimes buys extra cards) so she sent it to her own Mother! At least she knows Liam picked her card, even if she gave away her very first Mother's day card to her own Mom unknowingly.

This afternoon we went to a petting zoo but Liam didn't seem overly impressed by the goat.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Almost the weekend...

Liam is really enjoying his eating now although at times the only way we can get him to eat is if we let him have some fun with his food - and the picture shows the result!

A former colleague of Annette's (Christin & Simon) and her husband stopped by and met Liam this morning as well.

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Happy guy...

Liam had a good afternoon with some friends and he was in good form playing with Ryleigh and Austin.
He even got on a little scooter and gave it a try - he's really close now to walking so it won't be long before he's running around the house!

The weather held and we had a great view of th mountains from our deck.

Early riser...

So Liam is still a bit of an early riser - he goes to bed at 7pm but is often up by 5:30am or 6am. I'm a morning person so I guess he takes it after me because he's always in such a happy mood when he's first up.

Today the weather looks good but it's supposed to rain later - so we're relaxing at the house but may go for a hike later if the weather holds.

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Birthday party with friends..

Liam went to a 2 year old birthday party this evening for Alex and Michael, twin boys who live in the neighborhood.

He was also a good boy holding daddy's beer while I took pictures :)

Relaxing weekend..

Liam is coming along leaps and bounds these days, with crawling now down pat he's graduated to pulling himself up and standing (while leaning) against things.

I was in London again this week for a few days and am happy to be back home - even though the weather today is a bit rainy.

Liam and I are off to run some errands (man stuff) while Annette has gone with another Mom to her Mother's day gift which Liam bought her - a spa day.