Sunday, April 20, 2008

Swimming and sleeping

The video below shows Liam swimming at our local recreation center. He loves the water and he is now very brave in the water!

After swimming he is always in need of a nap! Here he is passed out (the thing on his neck is the string attached to his pacifier...starting tomorrow we start saying bye bye to it!).

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Great weather...

We had a great weekend with some swimming, a wine party (not for Liam obviously), a birthday party and then some playing at the park with Liam's friends Austin and Amelia.

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Relaxing Sunday...

We have had a really nice weekend and are just relaxing today. Liam was up late last night until almost 9:30pm! We had friends over with their kids for a dinner party and all the kids did well lasting past their bed times. Of course, Liam did not sleep in....he still work up at 6:30am!

Friday, April 04, 2008

Liam at the park..again

Here are a few pictures of Liam (and Amelia) playing at the park.

Today was the first time he went on the 'big boy' swing all by himself!

Liam, Amelia and I going down a slide...again.