Tuesday, January 20, 2009

44th President

A moment in time just passed. I write this on my blackberry while standing on a jetbridge in Denver - heading to Philadelphia for a business meeting. I just watched Obama's speech in the airport lounge and when he finished, everyone in the lounge applauded. Let's hope the trust he has gained in the American people is well placed for Liam and Lily's sake!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Sunday at the Zoo

We enjoyed a beautiful and warm day at the zoo with Liam and Lily. They were quite a pair side by side in their stroller for the first time ; ) Liam also had fun seeing all his favorite animals with his buddy Austin.

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Friday, January 16, 2009

Lily's almost 6 weeks

We have been very busy over the past few weeks - so sorry for no postings!   Everything is going well however as Liam is still being a very caring big brother; and Lily is eating/growing/sleeping well - she is now 10pnds 4oz so growing well.


Saturday, January 03, 2009

Last weekend of the holidays

We had a great Christmas and New Year and we are now starting to transition back to reality :(    I go back to work on Monday and Annette will be working with Liam and Lily to get them into a normal routine (we hope).

Lily slept really well last night so we had about 4 hours of uninterrupted sleep for the first time in a month!

This morning, Liam helped to give Lily a bath again and then they spent a bit of time in bed hanging out.



