Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Class trip to the zoo...

Liam "graduated" from preschool last Friday and is now officially a kindergardener, time flies!! The last week of school started with a class trip to the zoo, then the kids celebrated with a pajama/game day and a bicycle day. Here are a few pictures from the class trip!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day 2011

Luke is getting in on the action!

We drove home today, taking another route from Alamosa through the mountains. Lots of great scenery and we came home to beautiful blue skies!

Summer is here...

Gator Farm...

A highlight to Liam's weekend was our visit to Colorado's very own alligator farm. We all got to 'interact' and see all types of gators, crocs and other animals such as emus, ostrich and tortoises. It was fun!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Hiking - sand dunes

WE had a great time visiting the Great SAnd Dunes National Park over the weekend. Despite VERY windy weather, we got to roam around the sand and doing some exploring around the park and surrounding area.

Mobile: +1 857 204 3278

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Great Sand Dunes National Park

We thought it deserved it's own post!

Heading to the sand dunes

We all had a great time on our road trip to the Great Sand Dunes National Park. The weather was perfect, there was no traffic and the scenery stunning. It was the furthest south we had driven since moving to Colorado. We made one stop for a bathroom and ice cream break in our 4 hour journey!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Happy 6th anniversary !!

Celebrating at U2 concert

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Pasta making

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Making cookies and the Aquarium

The kids and I made cookies today as Annette is away in Vegas (for 3 days) and it was raining. We also enjoyed the Aquarium in the morning and Lily was very excited to show the mermaids her mermaid (doll).

Sunday, May 08, 2011

Mother's Day 2011

Happy Mother's Day to all the wonderful moms in our lives and the ones who see our blog. Hope you had a great day!

The day started a little later than usual for me (8am) with the kids very excited to greet me with cheering and their personalized cards and gifts(pillow from Lily and bath salts from Liam).

Ross made a great breakfast and then we headed out to a new spot for us, the Aurora Reservoir. WE had intended to do a hike, but once the kids saw the "beach", the walk turned into a picnic and playing in the sand kind of day. Everyone had a ball. We came home, cleaned up the yard, planted some flowers and the kids went to town "watering" the flowers and each other ; ) Luke was happy to be an active participant this year. He has taken two or three steps on his own this week and is very brave. He will take off any day now.

Saturday, May 07, 2011

Liam"s first goal!!

We had a great day today with a morning out at the Botanical Gardens and then we all had a great time watching Liam score his very first goal at his soccer game!!