Monday, September 18, 2006

It's a BOY!

Annette and I are thrilled to announce the birth of Liam Jackson Smith at 12:29pm today. He was born 8 pounds and 11 ounces (ouch!) - a healthy strapping young man! Annette was incredible and did a fantastic job.

Both Annette and Liam are doing fantastic after 12 hours of labor. Annette went into labour at about 12:30am and we were admited to Sky Ridge hospital at 2:30am.

Here are a few pics (cut/paste this into a browser)

We'll write more and update you all on the details, but suffice it to say that he's the best looking young man you've ever seen.

More to come soon....


Anonymous said...

Congratulations Ross & Annette!!!
He is gorgeous! Looks like just his mom!!!
Lots of love to all three of you,

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see you guys and my handsome new nephew. I love you guys and Liam too. I wanna squeeze him and kiss him......XOXOX
I love you so much
Miss you