Monday, September 25, 2006

One Week Old...

Liam turned 7 days old today! Today was also my first day back at work and Annette's first day on her own with little Liam. Fortunately, we all survived just fine.

Annette took Liam for a walk today and is able to better get around now as she has pretty much recovered from last Monday.

We are all getting more and more into the swing of things now and he is even up after feedings (instead of falling right to sleep) for some playtime. He is looking around a lot and taking everything in - or so it seems!

We also got him a swing that we can put him in for some 'entertainment' as it has sound, lights and spinning little fish. He seems to like it even though it swings pretty fast even on the slowest setting. It freaked us out more than it did him though.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, my favourite couple!! (and son, of course) :)

I love this blog, it's a great idea! And Liam is very handsome... I'm thinking about not paying attention to Euan's advices, and let Liam having the Ariadna´s phone number... when she has a phone!! ;)

Congratulations, Annette, we all knew that you are (were and will be) lovely, but it's not just that, you are SUPER!! ;))

manly hug and lots of kisses!!!
