Saturday, June 21, 2014

Our last weekend in Colorado...for a while

Ross white water rafting trip on the Arkansas River

After 8 years of living in Colorado, we finally set out to just near Glenwood Springs to a beautiful spot at Hanging Lake. The hike was a little over a mile but all uphill and most of it very rocky and steep.
We took it slow, with multiple stops for snacks and water. We made it finally after some piggy backing of Lily and Luke, some rain - in just over an hour. It was worth it. Hanging Lake is beautiful and had a lovely waterfall that we could get right up to.There is no 
swimming allowed in the lake which helps keep it pristine. We were all happy to be there. The walk down was much faster and we beat another storm rolling through. We made it back to Keystone for the Blue Ribbon Bacon Festival. It was very busy and we didn’t stay too long, but we enjoyed some bacon smores, bacon mac n cheese and tater tots with cheese sprinkled with bacon bits. mmmmm...

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